tim mcgraw,new york gossip gal,mens health magazine
Photos courtesy of Arturo Olmos for Men’s Health

Music legend Tim McGraw lost 40 pounds, turned into a fitness badass, and became the latest celebrity to launch his own health and wellness brand. Here, the 52-year-old McGraw speaks exclusively to Men’s Health and gives us a look inside his gym and fridge.

On leveraging global stardom to build his wellness brand, TRUMAV:

“I don’t really get tired of training. There’s such a feeling of accomplishment that comes from the feeling of being my age and still being at the top of my game.”

On realizing he lost control of his fitness eleven years and 40 pounds ago, when his daughter Gracie said he looked “big on screen”:

“I was in the prime of my career, and I wasn’t capitalizing on it.”

On how ditching alcohol and burgers and starting an exercise routine helped his singing:

“I use my whole body to sing – my legs, my butt. And having more control over those things makes my voice stronger.”

On taking pride in his transformation:

“Most things in this business are out of your control. What the radio is going to play, how many records you’re going to sell. Control the things you can, and maybe that helps.”

On being energized post-workout:

“This workout is my meditation. It frees things up in your head so you can get the trash out for a little while.”

On his cheat meal:

“A cheeseburger is my all-time favorite. Now I try to earn it, and I’ll do a little extra work.”

On his playlist:
“Usually silence, so it’s like a meditation. But I’m also kind of stuck on CNN. I’m a news junkie and usually have that on. It can be a whole other world.”

On his “favorite superhero”:

“My wife, Faith Hill! With three daughters and my schedule and her schedule, there’s a lot going on. She helps hold us all together. And she’s an awesome cook.”

On his workout kryptonite:
“I don’t have a least favorite move, though I’d have to say legwork isn’t a favorite. It’s mostly because I’m always trying to grow mine, and it can be hard to find balance.”


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtTCTIbC6Lg