senator cory booker,senator kirsten gillibrand,how well do you know your co-worker

On the heels of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand announcing her candidacy for the 2020 Presidential race, Marie Claire has released a Pop Quiz video between Senator Gillibrand and Senator Cory Booker where they play “How Well Do You Know Your Co-Worker?,” a reimagined version of Marie Claire‘s series, “How Well Do You Know Your Co-Star?.”

The Democratic senators are longtime friends, representing neighboring states (New Jersey and New York, respectively), and frequently working together on legislation, including marijuana legalization and workers’ rights. But will their mutual affection be an asset or a liability as the presidential contest escalates?

In Marie Claire’s video, the two learn new things about one another such as Senator Gillibrand’s nickname was growing up, what she gave up for lent in 2018, and which current U.N. ambassador was her former roommate.