The April issue of Siempre Mujer (on stands April 10) contains a candid conversation with Natalie Morales about motherhood, her path to journalism, and the importance of her Latin roots.

The morning news powerhouse has a laser focus that has led her to finish triathlons, devote quality time to her family, and uphold a career as an esteemed journalist.

The first Latina woman to anchor NBC’s Today Show has a crystal-clear message for Hispanic women: “I want to put an end to stereotypes and show you that you can accomplish anything you dream. If I can, you can,” she says. She gives Siempre Mujer the inside scoop on how she manages to juggle it all.

On dealing with adversity: “When someone says the word ‘no,’ I hear ‘yes.’”

On her ambiguously ethnic looks: “Many people question my roots or tell me: ‘You don’t look Hispanic.’ I always answer those people by saying: ‘And what is a Latina supposed to look like?’”

On what of her heritage she carries with her: “We Latinos have all had to fight in life, and we also have to do more to prove ourselves to others. That’s why we are more creative and daring.”

On the importance of her upbringing: “The values my family instilled in me are what helped me along the way: things like love and respect for what I do, and a work ethic.”

On finding her career calling: “I remember the day I fell in love with my profession. I didn’t even know what journalism was, but I knew I wanted to be like those reporters.”

On bedtime rituals with her family (despite her 3AM wakeup call): “I read the Bible to my children and we have movie nights as a family, and Joe and I share the household chores.”

On the importance of staying active: “Exercise calms me, gives me energy and helps me be a better mom.”