Photo: Robyn Twomey
Photo: Robyn Twomey

I guess stuff did get between Nick and his Calvin.

The 22 year-old model is penning a tell-all memoir about their relationship tentatively called Obsession: ‘My Life With Calvin Klein’ plus I think he’s getting a reality show. Of course he is. And he also has a new boyfriend.

The most recent Page Six Magazine – free inside the New York Post and online at – features an interview with Calvin Klein’s ex-lover Nick Gruber, 48 years Klein’s junior.

Here are some excerpts:

On Klein’s suspicion that Gruber had cheated:

“[Calvin] picked me up in his car, drove me down to the Holiday Inn in Chelsea, and we went downstairs in the basement of the hotel. He made me take a lie-detector test. I passed it. And then, you know, things were much better. But I mean, what kind of partner would make you take a lie detector test?”

On showing Klein the world’s more pedestrian experiences:

“I made Calvin go to McDonald’s and have a Big Mac, and he asked if they had it medium rare. He took a bite, and he was like, ‘Ugh, what’s this?’”

On his 2011 Bentley Supersport, which Klein bought for him:

“It was my baby. [But Calvin] never liked it, and called it, in his words, ‘a Chanel handbag.’ He called it that because the stitching inside was quilted.  When we broke up, he took it back.”

On being a modern-day Casanova:

“I was the first man [Calvin] fell in love with.  I don’t know why, but there’s, like, something about me that attracts everyone. I have a nickname called Romeo. I get every girl, and even guys. Something about me draws them all in.”

On being an “extreme badass at heart”:

“I used to have a car that went 205 miles per hour. Now I’ve got a motorcycle that goes 186. I’ll be racing it at night. I have an appetite for danger.”

Page Six Magazine also talks to Gruber’s new boyfriend, John Luciano, grand-nephew of mobster Lucky Luciano about their relationship:

“He craves something, I think, from older men,” Luciano says. “The most intimidating thing is having sex with your boyfriend and pulling down his pants and his ex-boyfriend’s name is staring you right in the face.”

Entire story and photo spread at and through the Page Six Magazine app available in the iTunes store.