E! NEWS got the scoop first hand of what really happened in Lindsay Lohan’s hotel room the night she claimed she was attacked. Tonight, October 5 AT 7:00 AND 11:30 PM, ET/PT, Claus Hjelmbak, a friend of Lohan’s who was in the hotel room with her the night she claims she was attacked, sits down exclusively with E! to share his account of the events that evening.

He tells E! that neither Lohan nor the man she claims attacked her, Christian LaBella – Congressional Aide to Republican Rep. John Shimkus of Illinois – were drunk, but may have had a drink or two.

Hjelmbak goes on to talk about what he thinks of Linsday’s family, who he thinks are the bad influences around her, and how she is doing in the aftermath of this altercation.

“To be honest with you, I don’t think Lindsay is in a good place because of health issues; she’s not in a good place because people around her keep throwing her under the bus,” Hjelmbak tells E!

The police have dropped all charges against Christian LaBella finding that no crime was committed.

His complete interview, with all of the night’s details can only be seen on E! News tomorrow, Friday, October 5th at 7:00 and 11:30 PM. ET/PT.