Columbia Pictures
Columbia Pictures

There are a few reasons to see the new Spidey movie starring British actor Andrew Garfield as, ‘The Amazing Spider-Man.’

One, is the real life chemistry between paramours Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, and two is the all star cast of Sally Field, Martin Sheen, Rhys Ifans and Denis Leary. Even 80’s teen actor C. Thomas Howell makes an appearance as a thankful dad who returns the favor and helps Spidey in the end.

Andrew Garfield is sensational as Peter Parker aka ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ who after being abandoned by his parents and raised by his aunt and uncle, finds a clue that may help him understand why his parents left him when he was young.

Sally Fields and Martin Sheen play aunt and uncle, Emma Stone plays spidey’s high school crush Gwen, her daddy is Chief of Police played by Denis Leary and Rhys Ifans plays Dr. Curt Connors, his father’s former partner.

It’s ‘Spider-Man vs. ‘The Lizard’ in director Marc Webb’s more modern version with all the usual 3D IMAX bells and whistles and web fan fair.

Product placement is at an all-time high with Bed Bath & Beyond, Starbucks and Web MD all making appearances.

And if you don’t blink you’ll even glimpse Spider-Man creator Stan Lee.

Open now.