Johnny Depp and Tim Burton reunited again on Warner Bros. ‘Dark Shadows’ which brings the cult classic TV series to the big screen.

All star cast also includes Michelle Pfeiffer, Burton’s wife of course Helena Bonham Carter, Jonny Lee Miller (Angelina Jolie ex-hubby), young up and comer Chloe Moretz, and Jackie Earle Haley.

Credit: Will Alexander/

Jackie Earle Haley was a child actor probably best know for his stand-out role as Kelly Leak in ‘The Bad news Bears’ and Moocher in ‘Breaking Away’.

Word on the street is that after a recommendation from Sean Penn to be cast in ‘All The Kings Men’, Haley who had been out of the acting game for some time, started to get more roles and continued acting again.

After walking the red carpet for the premiere in Los Angeles the other night as mixed reviews had been rolling out about the 1960’s Gothic soap opera, some of the cast continued the fun at the London after party like (left) Haley, Johnny Depp, Chloe Moretz, Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter.

You can be sure to get an always interesting performance from Depp, and Pfeiffer never seems to disappoint.

You decide. Opens Friday, May 11.