Five things you may or may not wanna know about music sensation Kelly Clarkson.

“It’s very ignorant to assume you would know everything about someone,” she tells E! News in an exclusive sitdown.

Since becoming the first-ever winner of American Idol, Kelly Clarkson remains the show’s most successful contestant, with Grammy awards, a devoted following and a decade-long career already behind her.

And with her new album, Stronger, out next month, we thought we knew everything there was to know about Miss Independent. But, as she sings on her new single, “You Don’t Know a Thing About Me.”

So what secrets has Kelly been keeping?

1. About Those Gay Rumors…: The singer says she doesn’t care who is or isn’t gay, but when it comes to her own orientation, she’s on the straight and narrow.

“People keep saying I’m gay, and I’m not,” she tells E! News. “I’m pretty sure I’ve never made out with a girl. It’s just not helping me because I’m straight. No boy wants to hit on me because I make mean songs about them, and they think I’m gay.” There you have it fellas! Mack away.

2. She’s Going to Watch The X Factor: No rivalries here! Though Kelly still says she loves American Idol, and will be watching when the new season kicks off next year, she’s an equal opportunity reality show watcher, and tells us she not only checked out The Voice, but will be tuning into The X-Factor to check out the chemistry of her own old judges Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul.

3. She’s Trained to Sell Vacuum Cleaners: Like many Hollywood stars, Kelly held a series of odd jobs before she hit it big on Idol. And while it’s not unusual to waitress or bar-tend before making it, Kelly’s got a longer list of employment that includes some truly wacky gigs.

Besides cocktail waitressing, she’s worked at Papa John’s Pizza, Starbucks, Subway and a comedy club. And she was trained to sell vacuum cleaners door to door. Not that she was ever in line to make employee of the month.

“I didn’t make it because we went to the first door, and the guy was like broop! I was so embarrassed about it I just walked to the nearest gas station.”

4. She Has Pigs: The “Breakaway” singer says she is a huge animal lover and admits to having a soft heart when it comes to taking in rescues—of any kind. And yes, that includes pigs. “We have horses and dogs and goats and pigs and a bunch of, you know, donkeys. We have everything, but we rescue them because there’s so many animals that get left behind, nowhere to go. I’ve had animals that are blind, deaf.” And no less lovable!

5. She Wants to Collaborate With Adele: When asked who a dream duet would be, Kelly said she’d love to work with the “Rolling in the Deep” singer. “I love Adele, that would be a great collaboration, I really want to do it, I will put it out there for you,” she says. “I just don’t care if it’s just an awards show backstage.”

She jokes she’d even take the opportunity in a ladies bathroom, if that were her only option. “Yeah, good acoustics in there,” she says. “I just love her voice.”