Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC

This summer ‘Love in the Wild’ NBC’s new adventure dating show hosted by Australian hottie Darren McCullen (host of Australia’s version of ‘Minute To Win It’) brings 10 single men and single women together all looking for love, to experience a romantic adventure they will never forget in the jungles of Costa Rica. Based on first sexy impressions, the good looking cast will have their bodies and emotions tested through various challenges. A great twist is that each couple can choose to switch partners after each episode. How was the cast chosen? Said host Darren who used to be part of the nine to five corporate juggernaut, “The producers made sure to specifically choose people genuinely looking for love and not famous wannabe’s.” They weeded out the people looking to get drunk and famous. They really wanted people there for the right reasons.” Think ‘The Bachelor’ meets ‘Amazing Race’ meets ‘Survivor’ with a nice sugar coat. ‘Love in the Wild’  premieres Wednesday, June 29 at 10p ET on NBC.