So just as the opening act for Patty Smyth and Scandal at BB King’s was putting me sleep, I could breathe a sigh of relief as the headliner herself too cool for school 80’s rock star Patty Smyth casually walked in to the club as if she had just finished a day of shopping on chichi 57th Street and was fitting in a gig. Fancy handbag and all, Mrs. John McEnroe breezed through the unknowing crowd and proceeded to her dressing room to prepare to hit the stage in 30 minutes. Yes, Patty Smyth whose hits dominated 80’s radio took to the stage and was in full talent with her powerful vocals and engaging stage presence. Looking sexier and thinner than ever due to her trainer who was in the audience along with friends and family including some of her six kids between her and her tennis pro hubby John McEnroe, the 53 year old rock star mom who looked like she was shopping at Chanel an hour before the show, proved once a rock star always a rock star. Smyth did all her Scandal hits including ‘No Mistakes (which she dedicated to her oldest daughter,)’ I Am the Warrior,’ and finale ‘Goodbye To You.’ Even hubby John who has been known to strum a guitar or two grooved the crowd with his rendition of Joey Ramone’s  ‘What A Wonderful World’ originated by Louis Armstrong.