Attention all Gleeks. Matthew Morrison chatted exclusively with about his new album, ‘Glee’s’ season finale, and how he’s dealt with the negative side of fame — including those rumors about him and co-star Gwyneth Paltrow. Read on…

Here are some highlights:

Dealing with the negative side of fame…

“That’s a side of celebrity that no one teaches you anything about, so you really have to learn on your own how to deal with it. I feel very lucky that this sort of fame happened at a later age for me. I really can’t buy into what people say. Unfortunately, we live in a time where we have to sell these magazines, and they literally just make stuff up. When that first started happening, I was in a rage. But I got over that and I know my own truth. I have a great group of friends around me, so I’m happy at the end of the day.”

On co-star and ‘great friend’ Gwyneth Paltrow…

“One of the best things I got out of this season was meeting her. We’ve just become really great friends. And that’s another case of people speculating something else, but when there were rumors surrounding us, she actually went out publicly and was like, ‘Screw it. You’ll see me hanging out with Matt Morrison. He’s my friend. And I was like, ‘That’s how you handle that!’ She doesn’t care. She’s been in this business long enough that she’s dealt with a lot of craziness. She’s an amazing mother and an amazing wife and to see what a strong family foundation she has amidst her amazing career — I’m so in awe of her. I’ve learned so much from her in that aspect because I never wanted to be famous, I just wanted to be respected, and I have such respect for her. She’s really done it right in my book.”

Check out the full interview on, where Matthew discusses being compared to Will Schuester, duet partners Elton and Sting and so much more. Who knew he was a NKOTB fan back in the day?!?

Click here for the full story: