Good Grief Charlie Sheen! Charlie, Charlie, Where are thou, Charlie? The Sheenius train stopped at NYC’s Radio City Friday night and everyone got off. Charlie and his ridiculous show, if u can call it that, infuriated the high paying NY audience so that he left the stage early and retreated to his awe loving Goddesses. There was none of that CBS and Chuck Lorre bashing and in fact just the opposite. Charlie seems to have used this tour as a platform to play victim, and have us, his fans insist on his return to CBS. He even went as far as inviting executive producer Chuck Lorre to the 2nd Radio City show and have them hash out their problems on stage. U-hum. Right. Sure. Whatever you say.  Besides his woe is me shtick, it was boring and lame storytelling, nasty jabs towards his brother Emilio and Richard Gere and very bad humor it its best and NY wasn’t having it. Had Charlie cared, prepared and took the tour seriously he might have hired his unemployed writers from his ex-hit show to give him some material and it could have been a whole new ballgame. The NY audience looking for some sort of glimpse at why they decided to see Charlie didn’t get it and retreated to a verbal firing squad with Charlie slowly withering away in his man chair.  Just watching the violent torpedo of truth loving warlock that has become of Charlie Sheen is more than any two and half men could stand. And it sucks because the smart, sweet, caring, witty, funny, generous, handsome and recognizable Charlie that Hollywood knows and his fans love is gone, at least for now. Even famed Hollywood talent manager Larry Rudolph who’s worked with Britney Spears I overheard say, “This is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of show.” Let’s hope so.