
Dressed in a deep red Catherine Malandrino dress and cream Christian Louboutin’s, TV personality Vanessa Minnillo arrived at elegant Robert Restaurant in NYC’s Columbus Circle ready to talk folate. Say what? Say Folate as in a B vitamin, synthetically available as folic acid and we need it in our everyday diet to reduce the serious risk of birth defects for women of child bearing age. Minnillo, along with Janis Biemann, MS Senior VP of Education and Health at March of Dimes, and OBGYN Dr. Diana Ramos, invited the press to come and enjoy a delicious buffet lunch of chicken, pasta, carrots and green salad while giving us the 411 on why we need it in our diet. Had I known before-hand that the leafy greens would be giving me a dose of folic acid, I surely would have filled up on a salad, but luckily for me carbs contains folic acid too and I indulged on potatoes and pasta. The March of Dimes, the leading agency for pregnancy and baby health along with partner Bayer HealthCare, has recruited Vanessa in order to use her celebrity status, power and influence in spreading the word. Vanessa, who excitedly got the word across through her charming, warm, funny and friendly demeanor, told us she takes a daily multi-vitamin containing folate everyday and, “I’m not pregnant right now but eventually I want to have as many babies as my body will let me,” and that would be with new fiance, singer Nick Lachey of course.  Apparently, Folate is also good for the hair, nails and skin and concluded Vanessa, “I have found the secret to beautiful hair, Folate.” Her hair did look good. Get involved at www.girlfriendsforfolate.com and find out more about the March for Babies Walk Fundraiser happening across the country. www.marchofdimes.com By the way, folic acid is naturally found in broccoli, cauliflower, grains and cereals. Go eat.


  1. Good day! i’m at work at the moment therefor i did not have the time to check out all of your article, however i do appreciate the stuff i read and i will read more at the blog when i get home.. Got a a bounch of stuff to finish here =) do you got an account on twitter? 😉 All the best.

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