E! News just broke the story that after selling out shows quickly in Detroit and Chicago, Charlie Sheen’s ‘Violent Torpedo of Truth’ tour will expand to as many as 20-30 cities and NYC’s famous MSG, albeit a huge venue is trying to book a date too. Yes, you heard me correctly; Charlie Sheen will be doing whatever on a stage near you soon and his teams of warlocks besides violently talking with MSG are even talking with organizers in Europe and Australia. Incidentally, psychotherapists and wellness trainers Judy Belmont and Lora Shor’s upcoming book ‘The Swiss Theory of Life: How To get Through Life’s Holes Without Getting Stuck in Them!’ gives real insight to all these conditions Charlie seems to going through so anyone affected check these ladies out. So, what exactly will the non-troll be doing when he hits the stage in front of all his Twitter peeps? “Charlie is first and foremost an actor,” the source said. “There will be a lot of scripted material, plus videos, interactive audience material, the whole range of things that play off Charlie’s strengths. There will be light and dark moments. People will not be disappointed.” This may be too good for Gossip Gal to pass up. I may have to put in a press request.


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