Credit: STS/

So the Charlie Sheen show continues. He’s ranting, raging, angry, funny, tragic, tweeting and sexing, all while his innocent two-year old twin boys are taken away by police escort. He’s got a restraining order against him from the mother of said boys who has her own problems, and on top of that his two young children with Denise Richards don’t see him either. So what does he do for an encore? He takes his rant on the road and plans the Charlie Sheen ‘Violent Torpedo of Truth’ tour which will according to insiders have “light and dark moments.” Speaking of said light and dark moments we have all had front row seats to from our living rooms, I wondered how much of this media attention and craziness we’re witnessing can really affect his real life, real important custody issues with the children he rants he adores. So I called upon Stuart Slotnick, smart attorney and managing partner of 450 person law firm Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney and asked him for some insight. Said Slotnick, who also happens to be the son of famed NY attorney Barry, “Bazaar rants on TV are not necessarily facts upon which a judge will decide to change custody agreements. Hearings and statements in court matter most. Ultimately, decisions are based not on what we see in the media but what is presented in court as evidence.” Charlie, take it from Gossip Gal and Alec Baldwin, you look meshuga. Your kids need you. Get it together before its too late. Above, Charlie pictured with one of his Goddesses, waves a machete as he poses for photographers on the roof of Live Nation’s Beverly Hills office.