Photo by: Mitchell Haaseth/NBC

Kyle and Hayes who star on NBC’s highly regarded and looking for a new hit comedy series ‘Perfect Couples,’ part of NBC’s must- see TV line-up on Thursday nights, have a lot in common. Both have newborns, both are funny, and both are tall. I spoke to the two comic actors who had known each other before the series started and asked them what about this new script stood out and Kyle said, “I just loved the tone of the script. It was like I –I’ve said this before. It was edgy but it was not, you know unknowingly cynical. It was –it had an innocence to it but also intelligent. And the pedigree behind the creators and directors certainly made me hopeful as well.” Hayes, who’s married to actress Ali Larter added, “When I saw this genuine take on relationships and how you have all these different characters that are really coming from a good place but the results might now always reflect that, I thought that was a great engine for comedy.” The new comedy which features three couples, co-stars David Walton, Christine Woods, Mary Elizabeth Ellis and Olivia Munn, and includes writers, directors and producers from legendary shows ‘Seinfeld,’ ‘Friends’ and current hit ’30 Rock.’ ‘Perfect Couples’ has the makings of a perfect hit and airs Thursdays at 8:30p ET on NBC.