Photo by: Will Hart/NBC

It’s no surprise that the terrific coupling of Mariska Hargitay and Chris Meloni of ‘Law & Order: SVU,’ who are the longest running TV duo since Ozzie and Harriet, are probably the reason the biggest stars in the business consistently guest star on NBC’s amazing franchised police drama.  Executive Producer Neal Baer told me,” I think their talent coupled with the gripping and thought provoking stories always with a surprise, and terrific guest stars is the reason why the show has been this successful for twelve years.” Keeping up with tradition, the mega- talented Taryn Manning along with seasoned actor David Patrick Kelly guest star tonight Wednesday, January 5th at 10p ET in a haunting and riveting must see story. And after talking with David who told me, “I’ve played some creeps in my day but this was the most horrifying character I’ve ever played,” if you are familiar with Kelly’s work then for sure ‘Law & Order: SVU is starting the new year off with a bang.