Darren Aronofsky, who brought us ‘The Wrestler’ and directed Mickey Rourke out from oblivion and into the front row of the Oscars for a best actor nomination only to lose out to Sean Penn for Milk, is back with the highly anticipated ‘Black Swan.’ Exploring the world of ballet, ‘Black Swan’ stars Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, Mila Kunis, Barbara Hershey and the rarely seen and looking for a much needed comeback, Winona Ryder. Aronofsky, who took the top prize at last year’s Venice Film Festival for ‘The Wrestler,’ seems to be heading in the same direction at this year’s festival with ‘Black Swan’ being all the talk.  Winona Ryder’s intense performance along with the steamy sex scene between Portman and Kunis is all the chatter. Fox Searchlight’s psychological thriller ‘Black Swan’ opens December 1st.