During a recent ‘Nightline’ interview with Diane Sawyer, Mark Zuckerberg the 26 year old founder and CEO of Facebook said he will not see David Fincher’s new movie about him “The Social Network.” Interviewed at his modern Palo Alto, CA offices where he employs 1600 people, the Facebook guru said he does not read the press articles written about him, the books or even listen to what other people say about him. He said although he thinks Jesse Eisenberg, who portrays him in the new movie debuting here in the city at the 48th annual New York Film Festival seems like a nice guy and whose cousin works for him at Facebook, the movie is fiction and he has no interest in seeing it. Zuckerberg, who began Facebook at 19 out of his Harvard dorm room, has now reached 500 million users and thinks if things keep going in the same direction everyone on the planet will be a user in the near future. www.facebook.com