HBO’s poignant Documentary ‘A Small Act,’ centers around two strangers who come together through an act of kindness, and whose lives will forever be changed. An anonymous Swedish pre-school teacher, Hilde Back, anonymously sponsors the education of a young Kenyan boy, Chris Mburu, with a monthly donation of just a few dollars. It ultimately paves the way for him to become a Harvard- educated attorney and United Nations advocate. To thank her and show his gratitude and give back, he follows in her similar footsteps by starting a human-rights foundation. The Documentary tells the story of Chris Mburu’s efforts to honor his benefactor who was unaware of the consequences of her generosity as he works to support Kenya in a time of crises. The Sundance contender, Directed by Jennifer Arnold, is affecting and inspiring and premiers on HBO, July 12th. There’s got to be a role somewhere in this for Angelina.